Specialization in Economics and Healthcare Management

Specialization in Economics and Healthcare Management
Healthcare Economics comprises the area of the economy that is responsible for the description, analysis and research of the economic phenomena involved in the development of healthcare policies and systems.

Healthcare Economics comprises the area of the economy that is responsible for the description, analysis and research of the economic phenomena involved in the development of healthcare policies and systems. It includes concepts and tools, inherent to the macroeconomic variables of a country coordinated with the microeconomic reality of the territorial entities, organizations or institutions that develop programs for healthcare management, healthcare policy, from the epidemiologic profiles of the population; leaning towards the analysis of the status of the population’s health, that has to access to higher levels of equity in its healthcare system; including the most operative instruments such as the efficiency assessment at hospitals, costs systems and costs assessment, effectiveness of health intervention.  

The program it is offered to professionals of all areas of knowledge (multidisciplinary). The students have to carry out a research within the parameters set up for the specialization as a graduation requirement. The student receives readings of the courses at the beginning of each module, in order to previously prepare the class, so that there is a nice flow between the professor and the student.

Reconocimiento personería jurídica: Resolución 2613 del 14 de agosto de 1959 Minjusticia.

Institución de Educación Superior sujeta a inspección y vigilancia por el Ministerio de Educación Nacional.